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Gastrointestinal Illness Strikes Cruise Ship Docked In Dover

Cruise Ship Outbreak: 95 Passengers and 7 Crew Members Fall Ill

Gastrointestinal Illness Strikes Cruise Ship Docked in Dover

Outbreak Highlights Ongoing Health Hazards on Cruise Ships

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 95 of 2896 passengers and 7 of 1209 crew members aboard a cruise ship have reported symptoms of gastrointestinal illness. The ship, which recently docked in Dover, England, is now under investigation by health authorities.

This outbreak is the latest in a string of similar incidents on cruise ships. Since the beginning of 2015, the CDC has recorded five outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness aboard cruise vessels. These outbreaks have occurred on ships from various cruise lines and have affected both passengers and crew members.

Infectious diseases are a known hazard associated with cruises. Due to the close quarters and large number of passengers on board, infections can spread quickly. Respiratory and gastrointestinal infections are the most common types of infections on cruise ships.

The ongoing outbreaks on cruise ships highlight the importance of infection control measures. Cruise lines have a responsibility to ensure that their ships are clean and free of infectious diseases. Passengers can also take steps to protect themselves, such as washing their hands frequently and avoiding contact with people who are sick.
